School Uniform


T-shirt: Blue color half sleeve T-shirt provided by school
Others: Can wear freely
Shoes: White color Uwabaki for indoor use

Top: White school T-shirt (Grade I to Grade IV) with school logo, White shirt (Grade V to Grade IX)
Winter: Blue sweater, School blazer
Down: Gray color skirt (Girls) and Gray color pant (Boys)
Shoes: Lace-less black color leather shoes for outdoor use and white color uwabaki (GI and GII only) for indoor use.
Sports Shoes: Blue or black only
Socks: blue color socks


Top: White school shirt with school logo
Winter: Red sweater, School blazer with school logo
Down: Gray color check-skirt (Girls) and pant (Boys)
Shoes: Black leather shoes
Sports Shoes: Blue or black only
Socks: Blue color socks